Welcome to my online classroom. I am looking forward to having a great year with you!
Mr. Michael’s 2020-2021
Sikeston High School
World History and CP World History
Syllabus, Classroom Rules and Procedures
Department- Social Studies
Grade Level- 10
Course- SS- World History
Credits -1 Duration- 1 Year Required Course
Units to be Taught
World Religions
Renaissance and Reformation
Age of Exploration and Absolutism
Muslim Empires
East Asian World
Enlightenment and major Revolutions
French Revolution
Industrialization and Nationalism
Mass Society and Democracy
Challenges of East Asia
World War I
Nationalism in the West
World War II
Cold War and the post war world
The Modern Era
I am glad you are here! I hope you had a relaxing summer and that you are ready to learn. Rules and procedures are part of our daily routine, such as approaching a stop light, driving a car, or writing a paper. There are also rules and procedures in this classroom. These rules and procedures ensure a positive atmosphere in the classroom. They contribute to a controlled and learning environment for everyone.
Course Description
This is a basic survey course in World History starting off with a review of the 5 Major World Religions and then go from 1450 to present day. We will study the foundations and history of different groups of people from around the world. This will be done by looking through 6 themes, Society, Politics, Religion, Intellectuals, Technology, and Economics. This course will offer an in-depth study of how the world interacts and how that applies to your life. The end goal of this class is to teach all students how to be responsible citizens of the world.
Materials: Students were assigned the McGraw-Hill World History & Geography electronic textbook. Since the book is on the iPad, students are expected to have their books in class each day. This means that iPads should be charged before class begins as they will be used daily. Students will need a Pencil/Black or Blue Pen, Spiral note book or a Folder with notebook paper to take notes and a Folder for assignments. We will be using materials from outside of the textbook for this class. It will be a mix of primary and secondary sources to help gain a better understanding of the “whole picture” of the history of the world.
Student Expectations
1. Be in your assigned seat BEFORE the tardy bell stops ringing and remain in your seat until dismissed by the teacher.
2. Be ready to begin class when the bell rings. Once class has started, students should not ask to leave for personal errands, talk to another teacher, or to use the restroom.
3. Keeps aisles clear, straightens his/her chair, and cleans up any mess before leaving class.
4. Takes care of materials furnished by the school.
5. Take responsibility for your grade. Grades can always be checked on student 360 and I will do my best to have assignments and tests in within a week of the due date.
FIRE: Exit west doors and assemble between C and G buildings on the practice field.
TORNADO: Go to journalism lab and assume tornado position until all clear is given.
EARTHQUAKE: Get under desk until all clear given. Assemble between C and G buildings on the practice field.
Procedure for Entering the Classroom
There is a specific way I want you to enter the classroom. I expect you to follow these procedures:
1 Do not stand or wait around in the hallway/doorway
2. Enter the classroom quietly without running or pushing.
3. Take your assigned seat
4. Begin the Bell work on the board
5. Work quietly and by yourself
6. Wait for further instructions from the teacher
Class Policies:
Cell phones: Not allowed in class. No exceptions.
iPads: Used for academic purposes only. The teacher reserves the right to inspect your iPad in class or send it to the office as outlined in the student handbook.
No food or drink allowed in the classroom. Please keep them in your bags.
Tardy- You are late to class if you are not sitting in your assigned seat when the bell rings.
If You Are Late
If are late to class, you must you:
1. Walk in quietly making as little noise as possible.
2. Bring me your pass. If you do not have a pass you are tardy.
3. Take your assigned seat.
4. Join the activity in progress. If you don’t know what the class is doing raise your hand until I see you.
5. Continue working (waiting) quietly until I get to your desk.
B. Consequences for Tardiness-Refer to School Policy for Tardiness.
If You Are Absent
A. It is your responsibility to make-up any assignments or tests in a timely manner when you return from an absence. Follow this procedure:
1. Join the activity in progress. If you don’t know what to do, raise your hand and wait until I reach you.
2. Come talk to me BEFORE or AFTER CLASS/SCHOOL to receive you absent work.
3. If you need to make-up a test you must make arrangements with me BEFORE or AFTER class/school. Tests can only be made up before school or after school and only if previous arrangements have been made.
B. Class work and homework are posted on my class website
Turning in Assignments
I will sometimes collect homework, group-work or individual work. Some of your work will be completed using your iPad and will be submitted on Google Classroom
Late Work
I will accept late work but you will not receive full credit. Points will be deducted as outlined in the Social Studies Department’s homework policy. This policy will be enforced. It is in your best interest to stay caught up on your work
Getting Your Attention
A. There may be times when I may need to get everyone’s undivided attention so that I may give directions, explanations, answer group questions, etc. or if the noise level gets too loud. When I need everyone to stop talking and pay attention to me:
1. If you hear my voice, you should immediately turn your attention in my direction and end any discussion you may have been having
Procedure for the End of Class and Class Dismissal
Right before the bell rings everyone should: be in assigned seat, be quiet, gather all their materials and wait for the teacher to dismiss the class. I DISMISS YOU NOT THE BELL!
When We Have a Visitor
A. When we have someone come into our classroom who is not part of our class (teacher, administrator, student, parent) you are expected to follow the same classroom rules and procedures. You are expected to be polite to the visitor. Do not talk to the visitor unless he/she is talking to you directly. Continue working on your assignment as usual.
B. If the visitor needs to speak to me privately, I expect you to remain in your seat without talking until I finish speaking with the visitor
When You Finish Early
A. If you finish all of your assigned work early you may a) read independently b) work on an assignment for another class c) write d) draw e) play on your iPad. Plan on working from Bell to Bell. DO NOT TALK OR DISTURB OTHERS
Restroom Policy /Leaving Class
I do not let anyone leave the room during class time unless I can clearly see it is an emergency. Do not ask to go to any other class, or anywhere on campus. All of that needs to be completed on your time. Keep in mind, I have 4 minutes between class like you do, and I don’t get to leave.
Asking Questions
Grades and Testing
The Sikeston R-6 Grading Scale It is found below:
96 – 100 A
90 – 95 A-
87 – 89 B+
83 – 86 B
80 – 82 B-
77 – 79 C+
73 – 76 C
70 – 72 C-
67 – 69 D+
63 – 66 D
60 – 62 D-
59 and below F
Testing: Following each test, you will have the opportunity to complete test corrections and earn back half credit for each question you complete the requirements for correctly. Test corrections must be completed within a week of the test being graded and before or after school.
Finals will be given each quarter and are 100 points of the student grade for that quarter. Benchmarks may NOT be re-taken. Finals are worth 10% of the student grade and also may NOT be re-taken.
Stay on Task
Everyone has the opportunity to succeed if you show respect to the work and teacher as well as do the assignments required
Classroom Rules
A. Classroom Rules are posted in the classroom. Let’s quickly review what each rule means.
1. Respect the teacher and classmates (You respect the teacher when you do what he says, don’t talk back, do not touch his property without permission, and follow all classroom rules and procedures. You respect your classmates when you follow classroom rules and procedures)
2.Follow directions (This means that you do whatever the teacher tells you to do without complaining or arguing about it. Example: return books, go back to seat, copy from board, stop talking, etc.)
3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself (This means you do not throw things, kick things, push people, hit people, etc.)
4. No swearing, teasing, or name calling (You do not use obscene or vulgar language in the classroom for any reason. You do not make fun of or tease another classmate because of his color, race, language, religion, etc.)
5. Be in your seat when the bell rings (This means I want you in your seat as soon as you come into my classroom and I want you to be on time.)
6.Severe: No fighting, threats, or verbal abuse (It is extremely inappropriate for you to fight with another classmate, threaten anyone, or verbally abuse by insulting.)
Discipline Process
First Offense – Warning from the Teacher
Second Offense – Teacher assigned detention or detention and parent teacher conference
Third Offense – Immediate office referral
An immediate office referral may result depending on the severity of the offense